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Military Working Dog Adoption
MWD Adoption
Military Working Dog Adoption
MWD Adoption
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Hear our Story

From retired Military Working Dogs to Homeland Security to Local Law Enforcement, take a look at some of the 4-legged veterans that have come to Saveavet and check out their amazing stories ranging from saving the lives of thousands of veterans to keeping our borders safe and everything in-between. Saveavet, the other forgotten soldiers.

Since Saveavet doesn't receive any government funding, we rely mainly on our online store for renewable income. We prefer this method as it allows us to not only raise the funds needed to operate, but also helps promote the organization through you, our supporters. Take a look at all we have to offer.

From the battle fields of war to the struggle of re-integrating back into civilian life, learn how Saveavet began, the struggles along the way and how we have overcome the odds by achieving what has become known worldwide as the only organization of its kind. A mutual healing space between 2-legged & 4-legged veterans. 

Supporting Saveavet is unlike traditional non-profit organizations. Being an all-volunteer organization and the unique nature of the animals that come into our control there are many opportunities to support Saveavet. From volunteering your time to donating much needed materials, we invite you to come support Saveavet.

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